News: As of Monday,25 January at h. 10:30 in the premises of the district offices of our association in Oststadt, Gottesauer Straße 3, 76131 Karlsruhe.
We are looking forward to welcoming new participants, and we would kindly like to ask you for an informal registration.
We are regularly organizing the training for parents of gifted and highly gifted children.
Giftedness - what's that?
How to deal with it?
Then, why my child doesn’t get only excellent grades in school?
Gifted and highly gifted children are much more advanced in certain areas when compared to most of their peers. They possess above-average abilities and interests. These skills can be referred to individual areas, such as the linguistic, logical-mathematical area, but also to the artistic, sportive or social talent.
Unidentified and un-promoted skills may cause problems for the child and his personal surroundings. Special talents do not automatically lead to outstanding performances or to a happy life.
Parents have many questions to ask and they want to be supported. This also applies to parents of particularly gifted children.
In line with our coaching, you can ask your questions on the subject of "Upbringing and Support".
Based on your self-chosen topics and/or problematic areas, we will determine the contents of the parental coaching. Then you will obtain practice-oriented tools and instructions from us.
Here are some examples of the subjects:
· Introducing and learning about
· What is giftedness?
· Giftedness and upbringing
· The diagnostics of giftedness
· How to deal with a gifted child’s needs?
· Reinforcement of self-responsibility and motivation
· How do we cooperate with school, especially if the child is insufficiently challenged?
· How do we satisfy the insatiable thirst for knowledge?
· How will my child find suitable friends?
· Consulting opportunities
Questions? Remarks? Join in? …simply write to us!
0721 470 743 63
0152 07835755