Homework assistance

Homework assistance HSL measure


Team meeting


Daily homework support from h. 14:00 - 16:00 by the members of the ILB e.V. association

For this school year, about seventy students have already signed in for homework assistance, and furthermore, they will be supported by our team in scholastic, linguistic and social education daily from h. 14:00 – 16:00 in the premises of the Pestalozzi School.

These measures are in particularly referred to the 1st - 4th grades of elementary schools and to the 5th - 6th grades of secondary schools.


In order to obtain the high quality of work, we rely on your help!

You can help us by filling in the application form for the homework assistance according to your needs (needs of your child), and then you can report it to the class teacher or to the secretariat of the Pestalozzi School.

The homework assistance remains at your disposal, free of charge and without limitations as it has always been.

You are welcome to visit our homework assistance premises on the 1st floor.


Your homework assistance team